How To Keep Your Staff On Top of Their Work

A business is a group of people that sometimes works well together and other times needs some guidance. This is where you as a manager need to come in and keep the team motivated. Some managers do not know how to motivate their employees but do give their employees the resources to do a great job. If you are not a great motivator you should try to set your employees up for success in any other way you can. The following are the ways you can try to keep your staff on top of their work.
Check On Daily Agendas
Having the staff writing down all of their goals for the day is important. This allows you to see how much a person can put on their plate for the day and who consistently attains their goals. This also helps people stay organized and motivated for the entire day. Putting the goals by priority is a great way to get the work done that needs to be done. The other work is just great if you get done. There should be “must-haves” and “would be great if it was done” when it comes to the tasks. The fact that you will require this to be emailed to you and written down at the person’s desk shows that you care about the work of each employee.
Online Calendars
Having an online calendar software that can alert smartphones of events is quite useful in an office. This can allow your staff to coordinate meetings easily with clients. The software allows people to change the times and even the agenda of a specific meeting. For businesses holding conferences and events, calendar marketing can make it easy to organize an event and keep attendees informed about speakers and other events. This would allow you to alert the smartphone of a member of your staff if you are running late or a meeting needs to be delayed. The fact that they can automate reminders for things makes it the ultimate personal assistant.
Keeping your staff on top of things is a task that you will have to balance along with the morale of the office. If you are constantly reprimanding staff for small things this can look like you are trying to do everyone’s job for them. The best managers express what they want from each employee and give the employees everything they need to reach the goals of the company. What are some things that you do to keep your team on track?